
Visualizzazione dei post da giugno, 2024

Milan Kundera ''The unbearable lightness of being'' (Audio Book): Summary and Commentary

  listen to it here : INTRODUCTION  Written in 1982 and published for the first time in France two years later, The Unsustainable Lightness of Being (in Czech: Nesnesitelná lehkost bytí) was published in Italy in 1985 by the Adelphi publishing house in the translation by Giuseppe Dierna (under the pseudonym of Antonio Barbato 1) with the lucky, now proverbial 2 title The unbearable lightness of being. The book was one of the major literary cases of the 1980s, and continues to have enormous success with the public today, in Italy and around the world. Rightly or wrongly considered Milan Kundera's masterpiece, it is the most successful example of the novel-essay form dear to the Bohemian author, a French citizen since 1981.   SUMMARY     The plot of the novel develops within a philosophical framework. From a reflection of the narrator on the heavy-light opposition, derived from the Parmenidean one between non-being and being, intertwined with the Nietzschean

Ray Bradbury “Fahrenheit 451” (Audio Book): Summary and Commentary

listen to it here : INTRODUCTION  Fahrenheit 451 is a science fiction novel by Ray Bradbury (1920-2012) published in installments in the magazine «Playboy» in 1953 and born from a short story by the same author from 1951, The Fireman, published in Italy in two installments in the magazine «Urania» with the title The years of the stake. In Italy it is also known by the title Gli anni della fenice. Fahrenheit 451 - the title alludes to the temperature at which paper catches fire: in the International System, around 233° C - belongs to the genre of dystopian science fiction, together with other famous novels such as Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (1932) or 1984 (1949 ) by George Orwell, and describes a future society (approximately ten years after the date of publication) in which a totalitarian dictatorship has prevented the reading and possession of books, considered a very dangerous instrument of free thought and which are therefore burned by a specific police

Anne Frank ''The Diary of a Young Girl'' (Audio Book): Summary and Commentary

  listen to it here : INTRODUCTION  Anne Frank (1929-1944) wrote her famous diary from 12 June 1942 to 1 August 1944, thus offering posterity a lucid and touching testimony of the clandestine life of a Jewish family during the Second World War and of the tragedy of the Shoah in the camps of Nazi extermination. Anna begins her diary when she is still a free girl; the family, of German origin, moved to Holland after Nazism came to power in Germany in 1933. When Adolf Hitler assumed the office of Führer (in German, "leader, guide") and started the racial persecution against the Jews, Otto Frank, Anna's father, moves his wife, eldest daughter Margot and Anna to Amsterdam, where he undertakes a profitable business. When the Nazi army invades and occupies Holland, the Frank family is forced to take refuge in a "secret annex" (in Dutch, Het Achterhuis, the "back home", which is also the original title of the work).  Anna, who received

Brianna Wiest ''The Mountain is You'' (Audio Book): Summary and Commentary

listen to it here : INTRODUCTION   "The Mountain You Are" is an invitation to awaken the hero within you and set out towards the life you deserve. Brianna Wiest returns to inspire her readers and her vast community with an enlightening book: an invitation not to give up, to train resilience and to become the best version of ourselves. All of us, at least once in our lives, have found ourselves faced with a seemingly insurmountable mountain: a challenge so complicated that we are convinced we cannot overcome it, a problem that is at first glance unsolvable - which we have often created ourselves. With the authentic and empathetic voice that has changed the lives of thousands of people, Brianna Wiest accompanies you on the climb to the peak of self-awareness, teaching you to recognize the opportunities hidden behind the obstacles you encounter along the way.     SUMMARY   Wiest encourages readers to embrace their personal struggles and challenges as opp

Mary Shelley “Frankenstein” (Audio Book): Summary and Commentary

listen to it here : INTRODUCTION  work of the English writer Mary Shelley (1797-1851), wife of the romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822), of whose works she is also the editor. Mary's father, William Godwin (1756-1836), was a prominent political philosopher, and her mother, Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797), an early English feminist thinker. Frankenstein was published anonymously in 1818 (with a preface by her husband and a dedication to her father), but in 1823 a second edition of the novel was published in France, this time with the author's name. In 1831, still riding the wave of the novel's success, the third edition of Frankenstein was published, heavily revised by the author. The novel also has a very curious origin, as it was born from a literary competition between friends. During the very rainy summer of 1816, Mary and Percy stayed in a villa on Lake Geneva with John Polidori (1795-1821), hosted by Lord Byron (1788-1824). The latter,

Frances H. Burnett ''The Secret Garden'' (Audio Book): Summary and Commentary

listen to it here : INTRODUCTION  Frances Hodgson Burnett published The Secret Garden (in original language The Secret Garden) in installments in the American Magazine in 1910, and then published it as an independent text in 1911. The novel is a classic of children's literature and follows the adventures of two children, the orphan Mary and her cousin Colin, who work to make a garden hidden by a high wall on the estate of Colin's father and forgotten by him after the death of his wife, which occurred in that very place, flourish again. The secret garden presents numerous very modern pedagogical ideas compared to the education that was given in the years in which it was conceived. The text, in fact, claims an unprecedented ability of children to operate sensibly and help each other to get out of a moment of crisis. The characters in the novel, therefore, show that they can manage their time independently without necessarily needing the severe supervision

Prince Harry ''Spare'' (Audio Book): Summary and Commentary

  listen to it here : INTRODUCTION  “Spare” is the autobiography of Prince Harry, actually written by Pulitzer Prize winner J. R. Moehringer, former ghostwriter of “Open”, Agassi's autobiography. Harry's narration begins from the day of the death of his mother, Lady Diana, chased by the paparazzi until the car accident in Paris, and ends with the death of Queen Elizabeth, in the epilogue. Over the course of the book, Harry retraces his childhood and adolescence, then his military service and finally his love story with his wife, the actress Meghan Markle, and their departure from the palace; particular emphasis is given to his troubled relationship with his brother William (“Willy”, the heir to the throne) and his father Charles, as well as the relationship between the English monarchy and the press. Since its release, the book has achieved record sales, becoming Britain's best-selling non-fiction book. I'll start by saying that the book is very

Hermann Hesse “Siddhartha”(Audio Book) : Summary and Commentary

  listen to it here: INTRODUCTION  Siddharta, a short novel by the German (but Swiss national) writer Hermann Hesse (1877-1962), was published in 1922. The story is ideally inspired by the life of Siddhartha Gautama, the historical Buddha, who however is not the true protagonist. In fact, the plot tells, with a complex style that intertwines lyrical and epic, the events of a young Indian, a sort of potential Buddha, where the real character of Siddhartha is present only in the background and is called Gotama. Siddharta is therefore not an ascetic mystic, but rather a young man who seeks the path best suited to him in life through reasoning and the attempt to understand the deepest reality of things. The book, especially starting from the 1960s, has become a classic of literature and a great success with the public (especially young people) for the themes it deals with (the search for oneself, the conflict with the typical world of adolescence, the rejection of e