
Visualizzazione dei post da maggio, 2024

Lewis Carroll, “Alice in Wonderland” (Audio Book): Summary and Commentary

     listen to it here : INTRODUCTION  Lewis Carroll, pen name of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832-1898), English reverend and mathematician, wrote Alice's Adventures in Wonderland in 1865. According to tradition, the story would be was invented by the reverend during a boat trip with another religious man and three little girls, the Liddell sisters; According to many critics, Alice, who was still a child at the time, was the inspiration for the central character of the story. The complexity of the original text, full of puns, nursery rhymes, poems and disguised literary references that are difficult to translate literally into another language, makes it a very particular children's book and open to many different reading possibilities. Furthermore, Carroll, on the basis of his training as a mathematician, hides between the lines many mathematical games and enigmas, which add to the numerous riddles that dot the protagonist's fantastic adventures. In t

Jules Verne ''Around the world in 80 days''(Audio Book): Summary and Commentary

  listen to it here : INTRODUCTION  Around the World in 80 Days (Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours) is an adventure novel by Jules Verne (1828-1905) in 1873. The book by Verne, already the author of some of the most famous novels of adventure for children (such as Journey to the Center of the Earth, 1864; From the Earth to the Moon, 1865; Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, 1869-1870) later included in his Extraordinary Journeys, is inspired by an undertaking actually accomplished in 1870 by the American George Francis Train and tells the story of two men, Phileas Fogg, a typical English gentleman, and Passepartout, his French valet, committed to a bet to go around the globe in eighty days. As in the author's other texts, the adventurous element is combined with an encyclopedic interest in applied sciences and in peoples and cultures far from the European world. Alongside, there is the enthusiasm, typical of the culture of Positivism in the ninetee

Lyman Frank Baum''The Wonderful Wizard of Oz''(Audio Book): Summary and Commentary

  listen to it here :   INTRODUCTION  The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, sometimes shortened to The Wizard of Oz, is a famous children's novel by L. Frank Baum, originally illustrated by William Wallace Denslow and first published by the George M. Hill Company in Chicago on May 17, 1900 The book tells the adventures of the little girl Dorothy in the magical land of Oz, after she and her dog Totò were swept away by a tornado that hit Kansas, where, orphaned of her parents, she lived with her uncles.   A rather widespread legend about the origin of the name Oz is that the author took it from the letters that appeared on the back of two binders: A-N, O-Z. According to others it would be an abbreviation of the English term ounce. According to the International Wizard of Oz Club, Maud Baum, the author's widow, stated in a letter to Jack Snow that the name "Oz" was invented from scratch.   SUMMARY   Il mondo incantato di Oz è un luogo dove realtà e fantasia

Bram Stoker's "Dracula" (Audio Book): Summary and Commentary

    listen to it here : INTRODUCTION  Dracula is an epistolary novel written by the Irishman Bram Stoker in 1897, inspired by the figure of Vlad III, prince of Wallachia, and is one of the last examples of Gothic novels. Taking up the myth of the aristocratic vampire, distant from the image of the vampire present in folklore, launched in literature by John William Polidori, Stoker creates a novel with dark atmospheres, in which terror and threat beset the protagonists, in a crescendo of emotions that leads to the discovery of the horror represented by the dark vampire.   SUMMARY The main protagonist of the story is the lawyer Jonathan Harker, of English origins, who goes to Transylvania to conclude a real estate deal relating to an old castle with a local nobleman, Count Dracula. When Harker arrives in Transylvania, the local farmers warn him against the strange character, providing him with crucifixes and talismans to protect him from the evil Count.   Very sca

Charles Dickens “Oliver Twist”(Audio Book):Summary and Commentary

  listen to it here :         INTRODUCTION  Oliver Twist, the second novel by the English writer Charles Dickens (1812-1870), was published in installments - like most of the masterpieces of nineteenth-century fiction - between February 1837 and April 1839. The work, which inaugurated the of the “social novel”  in English literature, tells the adventurous story of an orphan, Oliver Twist, who, having escaped from the orphanage, lives on the streets of London, getting by with petty theft and stealing. Unlike the first novel, The Pickwick Papers (1836-1837), marked by a profound vein of irony and the idealization of English society, Oliver Twist is a work with a more dramatic character, given that it addresses some burning problems of Victorian England at the time of the Industrial Revolution, such as the exploitation of child labor in factories, the degradation of working-class neighborhoods (slums), the issue of social injustice.   SUMMARY  After his mother'

Francis Scott Fitzgerald, “The Great Gatsby”(Audio Book): Summary and Commentary

  listen to it here : INTRODUCTION The Great Gatsby (The Great Gatsby in the original title) is a novel by Francis Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1900) published in 1925 and considered a "manifesto" of the United States of the 1920s - the so-called "Jazz Age" - whose great economic development will culminate in the Wall Street crisis of 1929. The book focuses on the mysterious and ambiguous figure of Jay Gatsby, a self-made man who enriched himself in a rather suspicious manner, who, obsessed by the figure of his beloved Daisy, symbolizes myths and contradictions of the “American dream”. In addition to being a disillusioned fresco of American society in the years preceding the crisis of '29, elements of Fitzgerald's own life are also transposed into the novel, such as the search for social ascent and the charm of the glossy upper-middle-class life, the love and marital difficulties with his wife Zelda, the habit of alcohol. Added to this are

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry “The Little Prince” (Audio Book): Summary and Commentary

listen to it here : INTRODUCTION   The Little Prince is a story by the French writer and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944), published in 1943. Conceived as a fairy tale for children and teenagers, The Little Prince soon became a real editorial case, transforming into a long seller and one of the best-selling and translated books in the world. Written during the Second World War, the story and its protagonists can be read as a message of tolerance and love, as well as the rediscovery of the value of feelings and the naive and sincere look of children on things. The book is accompanied by watercolors by Saint-Exupéry himself, whose naive delicacy goes well with the general tone of the work.     SUMMARY  The Little Prince is divided into twenty-seven short chapters. The first-person narrator is an airplane pilot who one day crashes in the Sahara. Far from any form of civilization and without supplies of food and water, the narrator sees a young boy arriv

KAFKA “The Metamorphosis” (Audio Book): Summary and Commentary

listen to it here : INTRODUCTION    The Metamorphosis is a long story by Franz Kafka (1883-1924), written in 1912 but published in 1915. It is one of the most well-known and famous texts by the Bohemian writer which describes the events of a man, Gregor Samsa, who one morning he wakes up and discovers that he has taken on the features of a cockroach. Generally, the metamorphosis is interpreted as an allegory of the alienation of modern man within the family and society, which translates into the isolation of the "different" and the lack of communication with one's peers. The story is also an excellent example of Kafka's poetics and worldview, in which the destiny of individual existence is in the hands of dark and unknowable forces, which operate in an absurd and inscrutable way on the lives of men (as can also be seen in the novel The Trial). SUMMARY  The metamorphosis is divided into three parts and opens, in an unexpected and lig